Thursday, December 30, 2010



B.U.B ( two B around U )

because I know that Im comfortable being around you
and I know that Im breathing around you
Im strong of being around you
I know that Im...
forever around you...

Friday, December 24, 2010

Coppied My Style??

To you who feels your style exactly photocopied from me...
Please open your eyes,
Trying to get someone that you always wanted by copying me?
No body wants a paper of black and white copied just to get someone attention,
I found this way originally I made those,
And its already been proven thats my icon,
If you say I've copied from an artist or what maybe thats when you get it wrong,
I walk, I move,
My hobby, My skills...
I found it my self original colored paper still covered with a label.
And if you ask why I wear like this?
Ive been working on myself since I was a kid,
I keep on searching and searching tryna be different from the others.
I want to be unique and made it my self icon.
And yeah people have known thats me.
Im different in every crowd with the monotone life style.
And I will never change and thats me buddy.
So try to find your own style.

It Never Changes Me

I know that we always keep contact everyday and non of a single day we lost a contact. We laugh, we talk about our daily life, we have fun playing games, we jokes and we share informations.

Even though we knew that some situation is hard for us to communicate but at the time we still have a little conversation telling each other news.

Not only that, honestly we are not always in the same mood, yeah sometimes I knew I threw over a silly jokes or a bad expression wich can makes you changes your mood and directly affects mine too. Truely the mood that we create, the mood that we flows on is not we actually wants.

Fights, not a physical fight hehe, but its a fight when we both argued or we both dont like and we get into our hard headed and burned on our own emotion, we yell we say something that we never want to say. Sometimes I hurts your feeling and sometimes you hurts mine. I know in our fights deep inside we dont want this to happen, the heart dropped the tears but still our mouth wont stop saying things.

The more negative things we have done, the more yelling from our mouth, the more crying we got...
Baby it never changes how I Love You So Much to walk away from you...
But believe me... I don't know why...
The more I suffer the more I care about you and dont want to lose you...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Why Do I Love You?



  Waktu gua masih SMP, waktu gua masih sama ex gua, dy pernah kenalin gua ke satu cewe yang di bilang sahabatnya dan juga tempat curhat untuk ex gua. Ok kita di kenalin sama ex gua di sebuah chatroom YM. Di situlah pertama kita sapa dan kenalan. Dan setelah itu dy nge-add gua di YM. Ok we start to talk just for a bit. Gak lama kemudian dia nge-add gua juga di FS (jaman jadul ye) hehe.

CHARINA DHIKA WIEDYANI, yap itu nama dy. hehe.

  Munkin dulu gua emang pernah jatuh cinta sama orang yang pertama kali gua kenal, dan entah kenapa gua selalu merasa gua tertindas tapi gua gak mau ngelepas dy, sampe pada suatu saat dy sapa gua di YM nanya "hey qis apakabar? kok gua denger2 lo sama si **** berantem mulu? kenapa dah?" dan gua ceritain semuanya dan tiba2 dy berusaha nasihatin si ex gua. Tapi kata dy klo ex gua justru malah mengeyel. Ok di situ gua sudah mulai ngerti klo emang ex gua suka jelek2in gua di belakang gua.

 Sekitar seminggu gua sama Dhika sering chat saling curhat2an tentang ex kita. Kadang dy suka ngeluh tentang exnya klo dy pernah di sakitin mungkin sering. Dan juga gua, sering merasa bener2 di injek2 harga diri sama ex. Selama curhat itu kita merasa banyak kesamaan dan kita pun semakin dekat dan mungkin ini yang di sebut sahabat. Kita tertawa dan dan saling care. Yap mulai di situlah gua merasa aneh sama perasaan gua. Gua semakin membutuhkan dy ada disisi gua. Gua merasa takut banget kehilangan dy sebagai sahabat. Tapi gua tau ini bukan takut untuk kehilangan hanya sekedar sebagai sahabat... tapi juga gamau kehilangan orang yang... sejujurnya bener2 gua sayang. Tapi semakin dekat dengan hari2 gua mau pergi ke Indonesia. Perasaan takut kehilangan itu semakin ada dan itu membuat gua semakin yakin kalo... gua emang bener sayang sama dy. Walaupun gua tau gua punya pacar dan dy juga pada saat itu, tapi gua gak bisa ngebohongin perasaan itu klo gua sayang sama dy. Pengen rasanya gua teriak "KA GUA SAYANG SAMA LO!" tapi berhubung nyali gua masih kyk kerupuk jadi... badnews deh. Juga sangking keasyikan chatnya kita berdua sampe lupa klo gua harus bilang ke dy klo lusa gua harus ke INDO.

  Besoknya gua tungguin dy karena harus pamitan besoknya gua ke INDO tapi dy gak nongol2 juga. Seharian penuh gua gak keluar sampe2 temen gua yang ngajakin gua pergi gua suruh main di rumah gua aja. Dan pas bakar2 sate di rumah gua untuk perpisahan pun gua sempet2in liat YM gua klo dy ol apa gak atau ada sapaan atau nggak. Ternyata dy emang gak bisa ol mungkin lagi belajar atau apa gt. Soalnya pas itu gua inget banget dy UAS. Keesokannya pun gua juga tetep nungguin dari pagi sampe sore, saat itu gue bener gak ada pulsa untuk sms. dan pada akhirnya gua harus berangkat dari rumah ke bandara. Memang gua merasa gua gak sanggup untuk ninggalin JEDDAH dan selebihnya gua udah merasa gak enak banget gua ninggalin dy tanpa kabar. Tapi gua berencana gua mau ngabarin dy sewaktu gua tiba di indo.

  Setiba gua di INDO gua bener2 bingung, nyari nomer buat hp gua. Dan kata om gua besok aja cari di depan perumahan. Ok besoknya gua cari bareng sama om gua di depan perumahan. Tapi om gua balik duluan dan gua tanpa sengaja gak tau klo ternyata hp gua kecolongan dan di hp itu ada nomer si dy juga. Ok itu bener bad day banget sampe2 gua harus mengganti hp gua sama HP yang butut gak bisa internetan ngeh -__-". Yeah such a hell day. Pada akhirnya gua ke warnet sama sodara gua. Pas gua ol ex gua nyapa, "yank guess what, si navy (calon orang yang bakal selingkuh sama ex gua) mau dateng ke rumah loh nanti" ok di situ gua bener2 kebawa emosi dan gua cuekin ex gua dan gua terus ngescroll atas bawah berharap YMnya Dhika berubah menjadi kuning atau available. Tapi tetep belum juga. Ini terus berlansung selama beberapa hari. Dan bodohnya gua tuh lupa kalo jam di sini dan disana beda! beda 5 atau 4 jam! sedangkan gua ol jam 1 terus. dan kemuingkinan besar dy masih sekolah. Dan ini udah berlansung lama selama beberapa minggu. Kebetulan juga peraturan keluarga om gua emang ketat jadi gua gak bisa keluar malem untuk ke warnet. So I kept on trying but nothing happens. Sampai akhirnya gua juga harus terkena penyakit Tipus 2x dan pernah DBD juga selama 3x.

  Bulan ke 6 gua disini gua baru di beliin hp baru sama bokap dan di kirimin ke sini kira2 di bulan ke 7 baru sampe. Dan gua seneng banget akhirnya bisa ol di hp tapi tetep aja settingannya harus banyak di rubah karena beda. Dan setelah gua cari tahu cara biar nyala internetnya ternyata ada temen gua yang bisa nyalain internetnya. Iya temen gua yang jadi salah paham sama ex gua karena gua deket untuk ngebantuin jodohin ke salah satu temen gua yang kebetulan anak basket juga. Tapi ex gua malah mikir gua selingkuh. Dan besoknya gua udah mulai bisa ol di hp. Beeeh seneng banget gua. Lansung gua liat ada si Dhika ol, tapi pas gua sapa dy lansung off. Entah perasaan gua gimana? Did she forget me? or is she mad with me? pertanyaan itu terus muter2 di kepala gua merasa bersalah terus2an. Tapi tiba2 ex gua ngechat... dan kita asyik aja ngobrol kyk orang pacaran tapi pada akhirnya ex gua ngomong gini "km jujur aja km di sana udah ada pengganti aku kan?" dan gua terus berusaha ngejelasin ke dy klo gua disini gak ada siapa2 lagi tapi tetep dy keras kepala dan minta putus sama gua dan gua tetep nolak buat gak putus. Beberapa saat kemudian kita berantem dy bilang "tau gak kenapa aku minta putus? karena aku sudah punya yang lain!" gila, bayangin aja cewe lo ngomong kayak gitu sementara kita aja gak pernah selingkuhin dy tapi malah lo yang setia di selingkuhin?! di situ gua bener2 shock dan gatau harus ngapain dan sempet tujuan gua buat ngobrol sama si Dhika hilang sesaat karena gua bener2 shock dan iya gua shock. TITIK GUA SHOCK! cukup about my ex, I'm really sick of it.

  Back to the story. besoknya tetep seperti ini nunggu dan terus nunggu sampai gatau kapan. Setiap kali gua liat dy ol gua sapa tapi dy off lagi. Dan semakin gua tau klo dy mulai membenci gua... entah beneran apa nggak tapi sepertinya iya.

  Setelah beberapa lama kemudian di FB (era modern) gua nyari dy tapi gak ketemu karena gua lupa nama akhir dy, di situ gua coba search dy dengan nama "kharina Dhika" dan keluar berbagain macem pilihan kharina dan dhika yang gak gua kenal sama sekali. Setelah beberapa bulan kemudian dy yang nge-add gua dan gua seneng banget lansung gua approve! Dan yep di situ gua baru aja jadian sam ex ke 2 gua. Tapi gpp lah gua lagi seneng gua di add sama dy, sempet gua mau wall dy tapi karena gua masih gapetek gak ngerti FB jadi damn. Akhirnya dy ngewall gua nanya "heey apakabaarr? kemana aja lo menghilang begitu ajaa? lupa ya ama gw? haha" di situ gua bener2 ngerasa ada kalimat benci dari dy. Dan gua bales yang semestinya gua bales. Dan kemudian dy menghilang gak ol lagi mungkin karena ada ulangan lagi.

  Ok sebulan kemudian kita gak contact2an gak tau kenapa, dan kebetulan juga hari itu gua putus sama ex ke dua gua yang lagi2 karena main di belakang gua. Setelah itu gua wall dy nanya kabar dy dan lain2. DIBALES LAH SAMA DY dan gua seneng gua bales lagi dan terus kita wall2an. Dan entah kenapa dy tiba2 hilang lagi. apa mungkin dy masih benci sama gua? Di situ gua gak sadar klo status dy udah inrelationship juga. Pas gua sadar beberapa minggu kemudian gua sadar dan gua mikir apa seharusnya gua gak ngeganggu hubungan mereka ya? Karena gua liat wall2an mereka yang sangat mesra dan bahagia, dan pernah juga gua liat status mereka udah engaged itu bener buat gua patah semangat buat ngedeketin dy lagi dan bener udah gatau harus kayak gimana lagi. Yep gua lansung cuma bisa ngasih support ke mereka walaupun gua sedikit gak rela... bukan sedikit sih tapi emang gak rela banget. Tapi mau gimana lagi... Dan kita hilang contact lagi selama hampir 1 tahun.

  Selama satu tahun kita hilang itu gua juga kebetulan udah jadian sama ex gua yang ke 3 yang kebetulan anak basket juga. yep kita udah jadian hampir satu tahun dan itu yang gua rasain pacaran paling lama. Emang gua akuin gua banyak banget memory sama ex gua yang ini tapi tetep gua masih gak nyangka klo gua bener terkurung sama dy, gua gak bisa melakukan kegiatan2 gua dengan tenang dan gua bener2 gak suka. Dan pada bulan November 2009 itu pas gua lagi Bimbel karena udah kelas 3 dan pas lagi makan di rumah makan di BSD tiba2 ada yang nelepon gua nomer gak gua kenal, gua mikir palingan GYM lagi. Pas gua angkat dan udah siap beralasan panjang ternyata "assalamualaikum" ok kata2 itu gak mungkin dikeluarkan oleh operator gym. "ini Qisthy ya?" gua jawab "eh iya bener... ini dengan siapa y?" dan dy jawab "heeiii ini gua DHIKA!" dan waktu sperti diam sesaat karena kaget dan....senang :) "eh DHIKA (sambil kepedesan) bentar2 (minum) hei heiii apakabar lo? lo di indonesia yaa??" dan kita berbincang2 banyak di telepon.

  Dan keesokannya dy nelepon gua lagi dan kita janjian buat ketemuan pas nanti dy udah balik dari Makassar dari lomba SILN. Kita janjian ketemuan di PIM pada saat itu. kita janjian tanggal 27 November karena kebetulan gua juga lagi agak sibuk dengan acara sekolah gua juga pada saat itu. Dan pada tanggal 27 ini aja yang pas karena gua gak ada kerjaan. Lansung gua siap2 dan gua ajak temennya si IZZA buat ketemuan kita janjian tanggal 27 itu juga. Di rumah gua bener2 prepare everything that im going to give her. Pas gua lagi siap2 malemnya gua juga sempet nulisin sebuah surat untuk dy. Surat mengungkapkan perasaan gua yang terpendam buat dy selama beberapa tahun. Tapi semua ini berkata lain, rencana yang sudah kita rencanain batal karena...inalillahi kakek gua harus meninggalkan gua dan keluarga besar Marzuki pada saat itu. tepat pada tanggal 27. Di situ gua harus kabarin Dhika klo gua mendadak gak bisa, gua tahu dy kecewa dan bakal kecewa banget. Aku bener2 minta maaf pada saat itu aku juga bener2 lagi shock berat dan aku bener2 minta maaf.

  Yep finally dy pergi dari Indonesia penuh kekecewaan dari gua sendiri yang gagal ketemuan sama dy di Indonesia. Im really sorry.

  Setelah tahun baru tanggal 2 gua inget banget gua ngucapin SELAMAT ULANG TAHUN buat dy. Jujur gua inget bukan karena reminder di FB tapi karena gua udah hafal. dan mulai saat itu dia kembali membalas2 wall gua dan dy juga mulai nyapa di YM dan gua juga sempet minta maaf soal yang pas di Indo dan dy jawab "gpp kok gw ngerti nyet" di situ kita perlahan2 mulai kembali seperti dulu, saling curhat2an dan ketawa2. Di situ gua bener seneng karena dy udah balik lagi dan kita udah seperti dulu lagi. Dan tanpa sadarpun gua meminta ke dy "nyet jujur gua boleh minta sesuatu gak?" dy nanya "minta apa nyet?" gua jawab dengan ragu2 "boleh gak kita cam2an nyet? :D" dan dy setuju dan kita sama2 deg2an pas mau mulai cam2an dan pas cam nyala gua bener2 seneng banget bisa liat dy... dan dy juga pernah bilang "senyum lo manis nyet" haha ok di situ gua malu abis haha. Sampai akhirnya kita semakin nemu banyak kesamaan di diri kita dan semakin banyak sampe2 kita susun menjadi Undang2 seperti ini : 

  1. All pink stuff haters
  2. Dangdut haters
  3. Lowblood pressure
  4. Sleepyhead
  5. Forgotter
  6. Unique Shoes lovers
  7. Avenged Sevenfold
  8. Final Fantasy lovers (Qisthy = Tidus, Dhika = Yuna)
  9. Gaia Online
  10. Basketball lovers
  11. Comfortable with each other
  12. Promise not to leave each other forever
  13. Can't forget our past love life
  14. Can't forget our love
  15. we love arts
  16. We care about each other so much!
  17. Chocolate lovers so much
  18. we hate to wait
  19. We miss each other
  20. Talkative
  21. Lebayers..means we are overreacting about something
  22. Slow brain connection....
  23. Always bring our headphones
  24. Chilly Haters
  25. Electronical maniac Family
Yes thats is how we arrange our commoness... :)

This doesnt ends yet, at my 19th birthday, we chat with eachother until late and we are counting down times together. Until the time she is the first one to say HB to me :') I was really happy cause finally someone do really say that directly to me not like when my17th. hehe.

Setelah bebrapa minggu gua ulangtahun gua putus sama ex ke 3 gua. yep itu bener hal paling menegangkan pada saat itu gua bener merasa kehilangan entah kenapa, mungkin banyak kenang2an yang ex ke3 gua tinggalin di gua. Dan gua curhatin semua ke Dhika, dan mungkin entah kenapa si Dhika mulai kesel karena gua terlalu mengharapkan seseorang yang gak peduli sama diri gua sendiri. Dan di situ Dhika bilang ke gua "kenapa lo segitu merasa kehilangannya sih? lo mungkin gak pernah sadar kalo selama ini orang yang bener2 sayang sama lo ada di depan lo sendiri!" sejenak kita diem disitu dan gua juga berpikir *berarti apa yang gua rasain selama ini sama apa yang dia rasain selama ini* sejenak di situ dy bener2 bisa membuat gua tenang dan pada akhirnya, kita saling jujur klo sebenernya memang sudah dari dulu perasaan gua timbul sama dy dan dy juga begitu. Dan kita tetap menetapkan untuk melanjutkan hubungan ini dengan status sahabat tapi saling menyanyangi dan akan saling melindungi. Gua gak nyangka sempet dy cerita ke gua kalo dy mau menikah sama exnya dy ini dan gua disuruh jadi photographernya, jujur di situ gua sempet kaget dan gua cuma jawab "umm ok ok, yaudah gua nanti jadi photographer lo ya nyet". Tapi ternyata dy sebenernya selama ini sayang sama gua juga. 

Pada suatu hari setelah kita semakin deket, dy curhat sejujurnya ex dy selama ini lebih banyak nyakitin dy dan membuat dy bingung, sering dy diminta putus sama exnya dan sering juga dy nolak untuk di putusin. dan pernah juga setelah di putusin gua kesel gua balikin aja kata2 dy "lo lupa klo selama ini orang yang sebenernya sayang ada di depan lo nyet!" dan suasana kembali saat seperti dy bilang itu ke gua. Perlahan2 dy mulai sadar dan mulai tenang dengan exnya yang udah mutusin dy. Dan gua terus nemenin dy sampai akhirnya dia pelan2 bisa ngelupain dan ngelepas cincin yang dia kalungin tsb.

Dan minggu setelah dy putus sama exnya masih terus terlihat dy sedih dan kecewa. Gua pun terus menghibur dy support dy dan gua seneng banget bisa selalu bikin dy ketawa. Sampai pada hari itu gua lansung berfikir, dy orang yang selama ini gua cari. Dy orang yang selama ini gua tungguin. Dy ternyata orang yang selama ini gua sayang. Hingga akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk menjadi pacarnya bukan karena mengingikan dy tetapi untuk melindungi dy dan menyayangi di sepenuh hati gua.

Tepat tanggal jadian kita.

Banyak masalah yang kita lalui dari yang exnya meneror dy dan gua membuktikan ke dy klo itu hanya geretakan dan terbukti emang cuma geretakan dan dy akhirnya mengerti semua ini dan terus bepregangan sama gua. Cinta kita terus tumbuh setiap bulannya dan hingga sekarang semakin besar dan gua akuin, ini rasa yang paling bahagia walaupun kita juga sering terlibat masalah atau bertengkar. Tapi aku seneng kita bisa bersama dan menjalani ini penuh kepercayaan dan sayang.

Dhika, aku tahu dulu kamu marah banget sama aku karena aku pernah menghilang selama 3 tahun. tapi sumpah itu bukan keinginan aku, tapi itu karena situasi yang memisahkan aku dan kamu. Sekarang aku bahagia sama kamu disini, aku mohon sekali lagi, maafkan aku untuk masalalu itu. Aku janji aku gakan pernah mengulangi kesalahan untuk meninggalkan kamu sendiri lagi. Karena cincin yang ada di jari manis kamu adalah bukti untuk kamu klo kita akan selamanya. Maafin aku Dhika.
I love you forever as always beyb.


And I really mean it when i say...Marry me. :") forgive my stupidness.

Your true love Qisthy


The One Week Memorable Meeting ( PART I )

This is where we finally meet each other…
Yes, she finally travel to Indonesia the place where I’ve been always waiting for her to come over.
Eventhough she came up with a news that she must go to lombok for a SILN Competition for a week there.
But still. hearing that from a month before she came it does made me happy, so much happy, well even more happier hehe.
Im turely sorry to my babygirl cause she really wanted  me to go to lombok when she is going to compete but instead, the schedule of her day at Lombok
crashed with my MidSmesterExams. Yeah really damn! sorry for that babygirl...
okey the story begins now...

20November2010 - Saturday 5:00am : THE FIRST MEETING
    Today I really getting stressed with my exam of Computer Graphic cause ive just finished it last night and it's still undone.
I got up early and take a bath and many more for the preparation of my exam that is scheduled at 8:00 and if im late that means im dead.
Finally I've arrived at my collage BINUS - SYAHDAN ( the hive uniques people from the faculty of Design Komunikasi Visual do their activities )
and I've planned to buy whats still missing for my project at the front of my collage @DKV Store, but bad news, it was full cause all the kids think the same way as i do.
Yep another Damn reason for me. It was sweating hot and smells cause I dont know if they do take a bath before coming to collage or not?
Now bla bla bla I arrived at the class and present my project and get a signature from the lecture with my breath gone like hell.

But just a few second I sit, my phone rings ( Rihanna ft Drake : Whats My Name? ). I search over my pocket and I read it and its an SMS from my babygirl says that she already arrived
at INDONESIA. The things that I've done which cost me an exhausting moment turns the opposite, it made me excited for me to move on and reach her at the Airport.
Directly ran down the stairs from 3rd floor but wait forget to say goodbye to my friends, i ran up again and say goodbye and i slide down from stairs to reach the first
floor and ran to my WBG ( My motobike made by Honda - Vario CBS Techno with a racing muffler ).
    During my way from the collage it was in a traffic situation, It really makes me worry she will get in a bad mood cause im gonna be late. In a few moment
she SMS me again and say she is now going to the hotel with a smiley icon which makes me feels better. So I planned to go home first take a bath and put my heavy stuff home
and change my stinks clothes.
    When I arrived home and I finished up cleaning my self up and get ready to take off... She SMS me again and she said they changed the Hotel. So in other situation I have
to search for a new way which i never been there at all, haha. Its okey we need some sacrifices to prove it that you love someone right?
    Okey on my way to the hotel takes me for 4 hours to find out the place. But I still enjoy it Until finally I found the hotel but mistakenly I went in from the wrong door
which is the electricity room haha so stupid I am. Then I turn around to the front lobby door and she call me and ask "yank kamu dimana?" and I answered "aku udah di depan lobby"
maybe because she heard my muffler roaring she realize that Im at the lobby so directly she closed the phone without saying something. So I park my bike and get ready
by fixing my face and hair on my bike mirror haha silly me.

    Then I came in to the hotel and I looked around to find her but nowhere she is. So I sit on the couch waiting for her and SMS her "kamu dimana??" she replied
"aku tepat di samping kamu lagi makan, aku malu nanti ya ketemuannya!! haha" I was like okey she said that makes me more trembeling in a heart beating. haha. okey and I'm totally nervous.
then I waited her up for about 10minutes I guess and put my hoodie on and i looked down without I realized i fell asleep.

    After awhile Im sleeping someone knocked on my head, and in an instant I looked up and saw her smiling and I was thinking, this is the girl that Ive always
seen at the screen of my computer and her voice when she say "hi beyb" remembered me the sound that always came out from my cell phone. Is this real? Is she really in front of me?

this question keep going on my mind until she introduced her friends to me, "yank kenalin ini Egy, ini Zaky... dan aku, pacar kamu dhika" when she said like that truely I directly laugh haha she is really cute when she does that hehe. But I realized that these is real when I rub her cheek and she pinch my cheek.

  I stayed there until late night and before I go home she and her friends wants to buy something at the SuperIndo. So I accompanied them, wait! while going to the elevator I asked my girl to stop for a while and I took out something from my bag and asked her to close her eyes for a while, and when she opened up her eyes it was a Couple Ring that I presented for her with our name written down on it. Her face gets red and she was nervous...alot haha. and she accepted and we helps to insert the ring to each others finger.

 While we came out from the hotel and walking through the outside gate, Egy shouts "Hey guys! Check it out!" she pointed high at the night sky which makes me and my girl directly looked up at the same time and we realize that its the FULL MOON that we always wanted to see together while holding our hand together. And we stare at each other and she said "Beautiful" and I look at her with a smile for her. And I have to go back home after from SuperIndo. Ofcourse as I arrived at home I called her for a long time cause its cheeper here haha until we fall asleep...

21November2010 - Sunday 8:00am

  This is the second day for meeting her. I waited her up cause she is eating a lunch with the SIC family at the House of Padang. Afther that she came back and we start to do lot of things, laughing telling stories and many more. That second day was outrageous cause we do something that we always do at the MAYA city. And now we did the game so real hehe. Gosh baby I really want to play it again with was...Fun hehe.
Then we took a lot of picture...well narisistme hehe. Yeah me black and she is white, so contrast. But as you all can see our expression. It was so US haha. By the way, I really love her HENA on her hand, she looks really beautiful with the art on her hand.

  For a while she hold my hand and she asked me... "is this really you in front of me now?" and i stare back at her and hold her cheek "yes baby this is the real me, this is what we have been waiting for right? if you dont belive me pinch me hard or slap me" without thinking she slap me directly. well it hurts... but no it didnt haha. But when Im going home I didn't know what happened, she turned out to be somehow kindda badmood, and yeah I asked her whats wrong but it didnt work so, maybe she is having a bad time at that time. hehe. its okey babygirl :* so I have to go home and call you back after you have a great time with your friends at MALL CIPUTRA.

22November2010 - Monday 6:00am :


 This is where the day she have to take off to Lombok - Mataram. To compete here dance there. Since this day we start to call each other alot. Using our cellphones to contact each other cause at that time we do really misses each other again and again and again.

Yeah baby I miss you alot too at that time :') I really wished i could go there... hope the exams wasnt at that time hehe.

26November2010 - Friday 8:00pm :

  Today is the day where the announcement of her dance. At that time I kept on waiting for the news, well everybody was waiting including people at Cairo. But she kept on saying to me "Aku tiba2 merasa klo aku gak yakin menang, perasaan aku tiba2 jadi biasa aja yank" at that moment I kept on supporting her to cheer her up. But at the end she calls me and she said that they didnt make it for real. And I said to her "Hey you already given your best performance by dancing at the stage, its not an easy one for many people, keep smiling and cheer up okey baby girl" and she wasn't even dissapointed with that news, I can still hear her laughing and I know she is smiling.

27November2010 - Saturday 6:00am

 This day was the last day of my exam... well it was a little bit hard but thanks to my babygirl, she gave me a book of lessons about Coloring Theory. That really makes me easy on doing the exam. after the exam it ends at 11:30am. Soon after the exam I ran down and take my WBG to pick my girl at the airport. Yap another long journey for me hehe. When Im close to the airport suddenly the worst nightmare for every moto riders happened, a huge rain dropped on me.

 So after I arrived at the airport It was all wet and exhausting. I sat on the cafe where there is A&W and kept on waiting for her at the cafe and keep on calling her. Finally at 3:00pm She came out from the airport and I looked at her and it really makes my exhausting gone when I saw her smile at me. I picked up her bag and I helped her searching for her driver. After she found her Driver she introduced me to him and we walk to the car. So finally I have to go with my Motobike again to reach her uncle's house at Gandaria 7.

 I ride my bike really fast cause Im afraid that I'll be late, but when I arrived at her uncle's house the car havent arrived yet, so I call her and she said that she is still on the way from Senayan. So I have to waited her on the front of her house street until she came. For a few minutes she arrived and I followed her car to the house we are heading.

 Assalamualaikum, came inside with her to the house of Om Budi ( Dhika's Uncle ). Getting introduced to the house with her and also to her cousin while they are playing PS3 with her Uncle. Yep they are a gamers family haha. really love seeing them laugh playing game. hehe.


 She said that she is hungry and want to eat outside, okey at that time its her first ride on my WBG. She looks cute at that time when she wears my helmet haha. And we take a ride and we found the Korean Restaurant which is called the PYONGYANG RESTAURANT. As we arrived it was really empty, so me and my girl stares at each other like whats with this? so we came in and the waitress greets us with an Indonesian language with a weird accent, and I asked my girl "are they real korean?" she said "yep they are cute arent they?" Oke so we opened up the MENU LIST... and... DAMN! the price gak nyantai~!!! ( ups Indonesian language ).

 And when we are eating the waitress seems intrested on us so she kept asking question on us while we are eating. Ok go home cause Dhika's cousin mbak Lina she is coming to pick us up and have a dinner outside.

To Be Continue...

Forever As Always

Since the first we met
many things we've been through
joy, laughter, sad and lost...
But see I'm still the same...

Still the one that you always proud of
Still the one who whisper support for you...

We're two different creature
Trying to fit in...
We're many colors
try to picture one future...

I miss you so much
I love you so much
I adore you so much
I need you so much

you are not alone here
and I'm not alone here
feel I'm holding your hand
filling the empty spaces of your fingers

We are together
walking on the same path
We are the answers
of every questions

Can we Trust?
Can we Love?
Can we be Forever?
Can we be as Always?

This dream is just the beginning
This dream wont ever ends
This love will continue
Believe me...

I wont worry my life
with you beside me
my remedy, my wings, and my lights.
I want you in this life
stay along beside me
laugh, smile, and trust

Together we will
Forever As Always
we shall always
Believe and Trust

What I Wanted is on Her Hand

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight guys! :p
okey i want to spill out something in my world blog here. Well as usual  I'm going to use
pictures and other stuff to describe my stories.

Yesterday at 5th of July,
My beloving friend, her name is Charina Dhika Wiedyani. I guess ya'll knew her...well some right? :p
She went to a movie theater watching "Karate Kid" 
 (well I told her so to hehe) yeah with her
girlfriends. And I'm after having a Futsal match @Lippo. Then we started to chit-chat at 
yeah while waiting for her to finish up her movie time with her friends.
And finally when she finish up her Movie time, she tease me with eating
A delicious chiken snack that are only supplied at SAUDI and Egypt, and
that made me really jealous of especially when she said that its so delicious! Okey my stomach
plays KRONCONG now.

Oh well, after she ate she went somewhere else, I think it is called VIRGIN MEGASTORE
is it? hmm... I think so~
First of all I think of its a place of something like for teen agers stuff? But then she told me that
she took a picture of a book that I liked it so much! then i realize "aaah its a bookstore" :p
well it kinda makes me curious. But she likes me to be curious and suprised haha.
Thats what I like about her hehe.

Finally in the morning we chat on
and after a few good morning words she send her picture that she took for me yesterday
and I was like "Thats is what i kept on looking for!"
here is some picture from her with the book that she is holding :

"I guess its in a British"
         FRONT COVER                                                BACK COVER        
1. Here is the book of Graffiti that she is holding or what we know also we knew as Street Art. Graffiti is the art of people who wanted to show up their skills on walls. By using Spray Can and sometimes they use tools for painting buildings to decorate each walls with a decorative words with colorful paint and effects as they are skilled to.
But as Generation growing, Graffiti are also evolved to be created at PC by using several program for example, PHOTOSHOP and ILLUSTRATOR/COREL DRAW.
Yeah and this book shares a lot of high skilled knowledge of making and teories. Coloring and many more...

Approaches to Product Design
2. This one is the book of arsitecture i think? Cause what I see from its front cover its like a drawing of sketches with a measure on it. Well this kind of book is sometimes needed for someone that he/her job is designing a tools, buildings, shapes, or other stuff as a hardware product, so it will be balanced. Usually I draw a car by measuring it like in this book. So I kinda like this book to advanced my knowledge in designing cars body hehe.

3. Okey and this is the book of Designing Houses I guess... hehe. Well my guess its seeing by its outside cover that tells almost every detail inside it. Haha And for this I guess I will be needing it when i have Family with someone that I truely love (up) and money to build up our own house hehe. Yeah a house, they say that building a hous needs a lot of knowledge cause house shows how a family is, are they kind, caring, respectful or full of socialism with their neighborhood. Well I'll try to take a list from that book to draw one of mine hehe.

FRONT COVER                                                      INSIDE VIEW                  
4. Now this is the best part! She do really made me surprise with the book that she is holding! Ive seen this book somewhere in INDONESIA and it costs a lot! And she found it in Egypt! Oh my god... haha okey, this book tells everything about arts of Graphical Design. It tells every history and why simple design can makes it so valuable. Simple and full of meaning, yeah that is what i needed the most. Especially there is more than a hundred inspiration from a famous Graphic Designer! I really need that book, cause I'm in a college and I'm in a faculty of DESIGNING COMUNICATION VISUAL.
And i wish someday my name would be placed in that kind of book and one of my best arts will be in the first page! AMIIN ya ALLAH!

Yeah that is the book that she took the picture for me.
I wish i could buy it but, Its price doesn't fit on me. Its to expensive and I hope i could buy it someday and someday i will be in expert of those.
hey Charina Dhika Wiedyani, thank you for remembered about me that i like arts&design :")
I really really thanked you so much! Gracias! Danke so sehr!

By the way... She is beautiful isn't she? Yeah she is!
 And I'm so glad to know her

So that is all folks that i have to tell ya about. hehe. Wait for the next episode okey?

2nd Anniversary

Today 29th of June, the 2nd Anniversary of Hippo&Giraffe!
We have been playing games since last month. This game is just not an ordinary games like other people used to play for. The game of our is that we must concentrate in Trust, Care and Distance. But truely most is LOVE.
And today our Celebration of passing the 2nd Level. And I hope that we will keep on going for the next level and passing it again and again and again until we reach our end of the game.
But at the end of the game wont make our faith dissolve but we will keep on our faith on and on!
Im so happy and she is happy too...
Im glad... :) Wish us goodluck!

Her Words for Me

Love... like they say that its just a feeling of a non realistic. Love could hurts if you get it wrong, But love could be wonderful if perfectly match. This is what have happened to me. Its just gets into my heart since 3 years ago of our first met... It never decrease, but it kept on increasing until now it keeps on growing. She is like a flower to me. The White Flower of my heart. She will always do and forever do.

These are her words for me that makes me believe that yes she is.

"even if you are a clown I still want you to be the one who will always makes me laugh"

 "This face is the one that I always wanted to see, everyday in my life. This mouth is the one who will always cheers me up and giving me love. And this heart is the one who will loving me just the way I am."

This words makes me realize that Love is truely there between us. And i know this wont ever end. Soon everything will be as wonderful as the perfect love. 

I wish i could confess this to her soon.

Skecth of You

<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="" /></a></div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
Everytime you smile, I do smile.</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
Every time you drop your tears, I wipe it out.</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
that what was we used to do before I'm gone without news.</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
and without saying goodbye</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">

<div style="text-align: center;">
2years and a half I've searched</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
nowhere to found</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
I never know why i kept on searching you</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
even though i know that we are far away.</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">

<div style="text-align: center;">
hate surrounding you</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
knowing that I left you alone</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
it never been true</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
every single door I'm searching for you </div>
<div style="text-align: center;">

<div style="text-align: center;">
and now we meet again</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
slowly we erase our hate.</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
and realize something in my life about you</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
something special within you</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
that makes me... can't stop loving you</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">

<div style="text-align: center;">
Laughter, sharing, love, and tears</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
we share again like we used to</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
I'm always there for you</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
and it will be like that till the end of the story</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">

<div style="text-align: center;">
nothing can stop me from loving you</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
my white flower</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
you grow within my heart</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
and your roots made me strong to face every single storm</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
without you i know im nothing without you</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
your smile make my day more colorful</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
you are everything to me</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
and i will face everything that will take you off from my heart</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
as long as im still breathing for.</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">

<div style="text-align: center;">
my promise, never been fake</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
my love to you, never been this wonderful</div>
<div style="text-align: center;">

<div style="text-align: center;">
stay with me, i promise you are the one. </div>

Gold to Triangle "SUMMARY"

Long time ago, 2 years ago.
There was a boy and a girl who meet up on the Maya World.
Lets just call them as Hippo (boy) and Giraffe (girl). You all know social friend seekers like Friendster etc. (well at that time there was no Facebook)
Yeah they met using that kind of stuff. Without they realize Giraffe is a friend of Hippo’s girlfriend. And then they started to chat as a friend. Almost every day they met and share stories.

Until one day Hippo have a trouble with his girl. And Hippo tells everything to Giraffe. So Giraffe helps Hippo on solving his love problem. She helped Hippo searching the solution.

Then one day Hippo must leave the country that he was born at. Hippo waits for Giraffe to Online. Finally Giraffe Online at last, but as they talked so much about their daily stories. Hippo forgot to tell about that he is going to leave the country. When he remembered, it was late because she has gone offline. So on, the day Hippo is going to leave. He is still waiting for Giraffe to OL but it seems that she can’t. Hippo knows that he felt bad if he didn’t tell her about this but time has runs out and he must leave.

So Hippo arrived at his destination but still waiting for Giraffe. Long journey without her. Hippo suffering in so much problems because he cannot release his pain telling someone else. He is still searching for Giraffe. Hippo can’t contact Giraffe because he don’t have any technology to reach her and out of money for a call. So after a few month Hippo lost his wallet which containing Giraffe number and email address. So Hippo waited almost every day at WARNET ( Internet CafĂ© ) waiting for Giraffe to appear at his Yahoo Messenger and have a chat and sharing like they used to back then.

1 year has gone fast, but still they haven’t met. Hippo fell into a deep sorrow without her. He keeps on waiting until one day Giraffe found Hippo at Facebook. Hippo jumps and feels happy. But something had made him disappointed. That is because Giraffe is in a relation. Hippo change his expression from a smile to sad.

As time keeps on ticking, Hippo became more mature. And both of them do. After years they haven’t been like before suddenly something pulls them again. And that happens when Giraffe start to call Hippo one night. Hippo seems so very happy and surprised. And Giraffe said that she is now at Hippo’s country. It was a really great moment for them, they started to make schedule to meet. But it has gone for weeks and they can’t even meet. Hippo was busy with school, and Giraffe went out town for a trip. But finally on the last day of Giraffe’s visit both of them have time. But suddenly an unexpected thing happen Hippo Gramps takes his last breath at 1:00 so uneventually they must cancel their meeting. And Hippo feels bad about this, he don’t want to leave his family in this condition but on the other situation he really wanted to meet his Best Friend. So Hippo SMS Giraffe and ask for apologize. Hippo knows Giraffe’s reply sounds disappointed. So the next day she left. It became another spaces for both of them. And another terrible mistake for Hippo.
On January 2010. Hippo wrote a wall on Giraffe’s profile making sure if she doesn’t get mad. She said that she were okay with it but Hippo feels it is not okay with her. So they try to make their relation as a friend FIX once and for all.

After a few month later, At night while Hippo is having a dinner with his friends suddenly his cell phone vibrate (just as usual forget to activate Active Mode) he search on his pocket. And an unknown number wrote on the layer of his cell phone. Guess what? He think it was his college administration calling incase if he made a mistake to his Admission Form. But he realize that the number was not from where he is living, because it is from outside the country. Strange, so he try to pick up the phone, and a big grind of smile painted on his face because the voice from the phone seems similar to him or well known for him. Then he asked “who is this?” a beautiful voice answered “it’s me Giraffe!” Hippo were so glad that she called him knowing that she might forgive him. So they have a little chat back there.
Next month they got close, she used to call him, and they started SMS, and back to chatting again. Telling stories, Funny things, Daily life, like they used to be. Both of them feels so comfortable with each other. After many times they made contact, suddenly Giraffe asked “where where you all this two years? Don’t you know I’ve been searching for you all along?” She never know that he always waits for her all this two years. So Hippo tells everything from the beginning how he disappear until now. And both of them made a promise “NOT TO LEAVE EACH OTHER AGAIN“.

Kuada Bagimu

I'll be your shoulder to cry,
be your wings to fly
Forever be by your side, ah…
It's gonna be alright…….
Alright, alright

Hapus tangismu
Ku di sisimu
Ku ada bagimu
S'lamanya milikmu
Kau genggam hatiku
Alright, alright….
Hatiku hancur lihatmu bersedih

Hati ini pun ikut merasa pedih
Sedih, perih, berbaur tumpang tindih
Ku tak tahan dengan batinmu merintih
Inginku beri bahuku but I can't

Inginku sekat tangismu but I can't
Ku tak berhak lakukan why he can
I gotta a way till I don't know where
My baby my lady I feel the same way

I miss u to you I miss u all day
I know that everything is gonna be ok
Hold my hand babe, listen to what I say
Walau kau bukan milikku

Dan tak s'lalu di sisiku
Tapi ku ada kapan pun kau butuh diriku
Memang keadaanya rumit dan berliku
Tapi ku kan tetap penuhi janjiku

M to the AG this is call the Wify
My sweet lil baby make my life so crazy
This is share left on the front seems together,
Together, forever no matter what so ever

Dua setengah tahun menghilang begitu saja
Dan ternyata hati memang tak sekukuh baja
Every nite before I go to sleep I seen you
Its got so deep… I shall miss you

I know back then I was not the best for you
But, you know In the end I give up the rest for you
Did everything that I can to come and rescue you
I've said everything nothing else I said to you

Tak kusangka kisah kita berakhir tragis
Sebelum kita dapat mencapai garis finish
Sudah asaku hampir habis
I miss u baby
Biar lagu ini menangis

a song by J-Flow - Kuada Bagimu
lagu ini menceritakan kisah yang selama ini menemani....